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Taylor Swift’s colorful outfit from the 2019 Teen Choice Awards
Taylor Swift Tweeted THIS photo from the Her earrings are the Misahara Zeta Diamond Hoops. Buy them here: MISAHARA Her blazer is the...

Jennifer Lopez’s sunglasses, hoop earrings, denim jacket, print pants, and white sneakers
Jennifer Lopez Instagrammed THIS video doing the Dance or Donate Challenge. Her sunglasses are the Carrera Glory Sunglasses. Buy them...

Kylie Jenner and Anastasia Karanikolaou's Jacquemus blue dresses and accessories
Kylie Jenner Instagrammed these photos (1 and 2) with Anastasia Karanikolaouin Turks and Caicos. Kylie is wearing the Jacquemus rib knit...

Kristen Bell’s sunglasses, hoop earrings, and gold puka shell necklace
Kristen Bell Instagrammed these photos (1 and 2) while on the beach in Michigan. Her cateye sunglasses are the Fendi Iridia FF 0149/S...

Kristen Bell's cat eye sunglasses and hoop earrings
Kristen Bell Instagrammed THIS photo with her husband, Dax. Her sunglasses are the Fendi Iridia FF 0149/S Sunglasses. Buy them HERE and...

Aubrey Plaza's metallic bikini and cardigan and hoop earrings from Cosmopolitan Magazine
Aubrey Plaza Instagrammed THIS photo from Cosmopolitan Magazine. Her cardigan is the Lisa Marie Fernandez Metallic Seersucker Swim...
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